Logos are present in several areas of Good Gallery. First, logos are displayed alongside your menu on both your desktop and mobile site. They’re also present as a hidden watermark embedded on every image.
Create a folder called Logo. Only include a single logo file in the Logo folder.
Before uploading your logo, prepare your logo using our best practices to ensure that your brand looks amazing across all areas of your Good Gallery website.
Using the appropriate file format will help ensure that your logo will download quickly and look crisp on all devices and platforms.
When you’re preparing your logo for Good Gallery, JPG and vector file formats work best. Of the two formats, vector formats are strongly preferred over JPG since they scale perfectly at all sizes and on all devices.
Vector logos can be resized without any loss of resolution or sharpness. Vector logos are typically created by professional graphic artists in programs like Adobe Illustrator. The filename extensions for vector logos are typically EPS or AI.
Raster logos lose clarity when they’re resized. Raster logos are often created by amateur graphic artists in programs like Adobe Photoshop. The filename extensions for raster logos are typically PSD or JPG.
If you have the AI or EPS file provided by the graphic artist who created your logo, include that file in your Logos folder.
We may not have access to your logo font, so all logo text should be converted from a font to outlines. You can use Adobe Illustrator to convert the text or contact your graphic designer. If using Illustrator, select the text, right click on the object, and then select the Create Outlines option.
If your logo was created using Photoshop or if you don’t have access to a vector file version of your logo, using a large JPG file for your logo is your second-best option. If you provide a JPG file, it should measure at least 600 pixels on the longest dimension.
IMPORTANT: Saving a JPG or PSD file in EPS or SVG formats will not convert a raster file to a vector file. There are many other steps involved and it can be a complicated process, depending on your logo characteristics.
Prepare Your Additional Content
We’ll also need these other materials to build your website.