Send Us Your Info

After you’ve prepared your content, share your information via Dropbox. Follow these steps to send us your information. If you don’t have a Dropbox subscription, you can sign up for a free account.

Once we receive your materials, we’ll check your content, confirm your submission, and add you to our development queue.

  1. Open your main Dropbox folder.
  2. Create a new top-level folder named Good Gallery – YOURNAME (e.g., “Good Gallery – Jane Doe”).
  3. In that new top-level folder, create a subfolder named Logo.
  4. In that new top-level folder, create a subfolder named Photos.
  5. In that new top-level folder, create a subfolder named Text.
  6. Refer to our detailed instructions for Logos, Photos, Text, Contact Info, Video, Site Outlines, and Design Notes.
  7. Use this handy checklist to double-check your submission content.
  8. Using Dropbox tools, share your top-level folder with Good Gallery.
    1. Open your main Dropbox folder on your local computer.
    2. Right click the top-level folder containing your information.
    3. Enter in the “Who do you want to share with?” field.
    4. Make sure that “Can edit” is selected.
    5. Click the Share button. Don’t use the Share Link option.

Final Checklist

When you’re done preparing your content, review this checklist to make sure that you’re submitting everything we need.