Video Soundtracks Are Supported

When you embed YouTube or Vimeo videos on your Good Gallery website, audio from those videos is fully supported. However, we don’t support other forms of music on Good Gallery websites.

Sitewide Music Options

We don’t don’t offer sitewide music because:

  1. Offering music in the background can interrupt audio already being played on visitor computers. In other words, many visitors will already be playing other music or watching videos when they visit a website. If music starts playing automatically on a website, then the website’s audio stream will clash with the visitor’s music. In some cases, website music will interrupt the visitor’s preferred audio source. And that kind of behavior won’t engender goodwill among visitors.
  2. Although some website owners feel that their music choices are ideal, some visitors won’t share those same musical tastes. And since those impressions may negatively affect conversions, it’s much safer to offer silence in lieu of music.
  3. Many people will visit websites using work computers that might be within earshot of co-workers. If working professionals visit websites and music is playing, that visitor may scramble to find a way to mute the audio. Or in extreme situations, the visitor may leave the website or close their browser to prevent the music from continuing. None of those actions will offer a positive experience or outcome for an online business.
  4. Some visitors may simultaneously open many sites in multiple browser tabs. When that happens, and unwanted music starts playing, the visitor will either close the offending tab or will be unable to locate the tab and will close their browser window.
  5. Even compressed audio files require bandwidth. And that means that websites with music load slower than websites without music.
  6. Offering background music on a website was once ground-breaking and unique. However, as technology moved forward, most visitors view website music as dated.
  7. Converting visitors to customers is the goal of most websites. Website owners must ask themselves if music is going to positively influence purchase decisions for EVERY customer. If that answer is no, then offering music on a website may work against site owners focused on improving customer conversions.